
Menu Plan Monday ~ April 18, 2011

Well, Logan’s flag team (Seed #2) won their game on Saturday…a very happy young man with QB time and receiving a touchdown pass! The boys all played well and had a good time, so moving on to the next round on Saturday. A couple more practices this week to keep them on their toes and ready for game time!

A beautiful {warm} day for score ~ WIN!
The fence project is moving along…one step at a time. We are waiting to hear back from a couple tree companies for removing pines on the easement area near the fence line of our property, as well as a large pine in the front (if they are going to come for that, mine as well have them take down another one while they are here. My husband and sons starting on removing other trees on the property line and one near our home last week. All the dismantling, relocating and yard prep is as far as we can go at this point. My goal (spoken and hopefully) is that we can actually have the trees removed and fence up by the end of this month, with city inspection following that. Just moving slowly but steady in that direction… :-) {As I type this, another company arrived to provide a quote for tree removal…}

So what's for dinner?

Monday: Easy Salisbury steaks, leftover red potatoes with green beans, biscuits, applesauce {Youth Orchestra this afternoon…most of the day spent on tree cutting and branch clean-up}

Tuesday: Beef tips n’ gravy, buttered egg noodles, steamed broccoli {Football practice tonight}

Extra tender, fall apart sirolin goodness basked in beef gravy and served over pasta
Wednesday: Baked ziti, Texas toast, sliced pears {Youth Orchestra…}

Thursday: Soup n’ sandwich ½’s {Longer football practice so a very simple dinner for this night}

Homemade {and easy} chicken and pasta soup...

Friday: Whole herb baked chickens, rice, mixed veggies, fruit side

Saturday: Baked fish, corn, baked beans, millet muffins {using the Basic Muffin recipe}

Yummy sweet and crunchy millet muffins...similar to a sweet corn-type muffin in taste, but better.  ;-)

Sunday: Resurrection Rolls for breakfast {family tradition} Lunch out…probably with Resurrection Egg Hunt in the afternoon {family tradition} Resurrection Sunday dinner ~ baked ham, baked macaroni n’ cheese, glazed carrots, steamed broccoli, whole wheat rolls, Fritz’s eggs {Typical family tradition meal for celebrating our Risen Savior}

Last year's Resurrection Rolls in the making...crescent rolls, marshmallows, melted butter & cinnamon sugar are all you'll need to make them with a story behind the "empty tomb" here.

What traditions do you have for Resurrection Sunday? To read more about some of the things we do, click here.  Don't forget to comment (either here or there), as it’s always fun to learn about what other families do ~ even gleaning and adopting new traditions along the way. :-)

Blessings to you as you gather around your meal table this week ~

To read other Menu Plans, click here…thanks for hosting each week, Laura!

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Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. {1 Thes. 5:11}
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.
{Proverbs 25:11}

May He bless you this day and encourage you through His word ~