A wonderful weekend filled with many activities…Friday evening, my husband and I enjoyed a “date night” out to kick off his birthday celebration…just the two (well, technically three) of us. We enjoyed a very filling meal locally, then drove along the beach…stopped and walked (something we haven’t done in a while) with white sand between our toes, the salty wind blowing and the gentle rolling of the (too cool for me) waves along the coastline. We continued our drive along the beach for a while then stopped for a little shopping (birthday gifts from the youngest to be opened by dad on Saturday) and ended our evening enjoying sweet treats from Cracker Barrel ~ coca-cola cake…yum!
Saturday we spent together as a family (with Zach not having to work until later that afternoon), doing things locally...with cake and presents in the afternoon and a simple grilled dinner with swimming in the evening. A good day as we celebrated my husband. A day spent relaxing, refreshing and enjoying being together…
Sunday we were invited to an afternoon cook-out and to attend church with friends prior to that. The day was filled with a sweet time of worship, a sound message as the Word was taught and an afternoon of fellowship around a shared meal, outdoor games and varied conversations…faith, politics, education, children…all seasoned with grace. Children enjoyed playing with old friends and meeting new ones ~ such simplicity in the relationships of children...we can learn much from them.
Memorial Day gave our family additional time to remember all who have served our country, by laying down their lives protecting the freedoms so graciously embraced by each of us now. We prayed for those currently serving our country and protecting our freedoms…one man in particular, leaving his wife and child behind as he faithfully protects our freedoms. Additionally, this day will mark the blessing of new life as his wife gave birth to their second child…bearing the name of our free country. Precious blessing, thanksgiving and praises are being lifted up!
This week we look forward to spending time with a dear friend visiting from out-of-state. Our prayer is that it would be a time of refreshment, encouragement and support as this is her first trip since her husband went to be with the Lord 3 months ago. The week will be flexible to accommodate time with her and meals will be kept somewhat simple as we seek to take this week to relax during what is the beginning of our summer break.
Monday: leftovers
Tuesday: Cheesy beef n’ rice casserole, corn-on-the-cob, biscuits {errands to library, p/u items from a friend and minor shopping trip to health food store & Wal*Mart}
A versatile recipe...use beef, sausage or venison...I also add yellow squash to ours for flavor, color and nutrients. Check our my step by step photo tutorial post here. |
Wednesday: EASY Baked BBQ chicken{...for oven version, follow same recipe except bake at 350 degrees covered for 1 1/2-2 hours...I use a stoneware baker which bakes to tender delight!}, potatoes, garden salad {with some lettuce from our garden and maybe shredded radish, too}, whole wheat rolls
Thursday: Tomato gravy pork chops, yellow rice, mixed veggies, applesauce
Friday: Broccoli-ham Hot Dish {new recipe}, sliced wheat bread with butter and fruit side
Saturday: Zesty Chicken Wings {new recipe} and Party Chicken Wings {new recipe}, veggie sticks, pasta salad and/or fruit bowl, chips, etc. {Fellowship get-together, Lord willing…}
Sunday: SIMPLE Sunday ~ leftovers, sandwiches, etc.
May each of you be blessed as you gather around your meal table this week ~
To read other Menu Plans, click here…thanks for hosting each week, Laura!
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Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. {1 Thes. 5:11}
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.
{Proverbs 25:11}
May He bless you this day and encourage you through His word ~