Well, it's been a while since I last posted...in the midst of life, blogging takes a back seat. Partly because living leaves little time in this season to write and partly because I wonder if anyone is interested or even would be encouraged at the "living" taking place. Sometimes, I wonder if my practical, simple tips are worth writing about...so I don't, I just live it. Does anyone really want to read about in home hospitality or juggling school, helping with husband's business {administratively}, meal planning {or sometimes lack of}, grocery shopping with children, or settling sibling squabbles, or computer setbacks {like erasing everything from my desktop when uploading a new program...yikes}...I mean, really?
When lives gets hard, I really have to look for the blessings in it. Today, was a challenging day {really having a full house gives opportunity to having many challenging days...} and I had to step outside of the day to look for the blessings.
A rare sight to see Carolyne on the floor...she'll never learn to crawl if she isn't out of every one's arms... ;-) |
Playing on Dad & Mom's bed...almost a morning routine with laughter a result
"A cheerful heart is good medicine..." |
The blessing of having all the sweet children the Lord has given and being thankful that our home is
- sometimes noisy {it's better than silence...it means living is going on}...
- sometimes messy {truly, I believe as much as having a house of little ones...and big ones...to remind and pick up after, that one day in the not so near future ;-) they'll be gone and I'll miss it (or so I'm told)...
- sometimes sad {thinking about missed opportunities and how short life truly is...when time of being still gives way to reflection which must be kept as a reminder to live as unto the Lord EVERYDAY...EVERY moment
Ending 2011 with thanksgiving for God's gift of "another day"...what man said would be less than a week, God has given over 2 years...thank you Lord. |
The blessing of children who can do things to help out on those days and enjoy to
- children who surprised me with little blessings they purchased (using their own money...how sweet) from the Cracker Barrel store...a sweet smelling votive and a chocolate bar {may the Lord keep their hearts soft and kind over the years to come...}
- making dinner last night {Austin grilled chicken, made mashed potatoes, mixed veggies and quick croissants...}
- baking cookies...everyday if allowed {Logan is quite comfortable making all kinds of cookies...his sweet tooth will never lack ;-) }
- playing with little ones {Alyssa is growing up...this past weekend she was a blessing to me in helping with Liz and Carolyne...Mark went out of town taking Graham & K to Logan's football tournament...the first time our family has been separated for a whole weekend like this.}
- a husband who even after a long day at work answers a call to help with Mom {a few bad days for her,too...but how gracious He is...} and then again this morning
- "Just because you are loved" labels everywhere this morning as "someone" kindly went around doing other's chores and getting our day off to a good start {Thanks Zach :-) }
The making of peanut butter blossoms a few weeks ago...a few days ago was cinnamon oatmeal...and several kinds in between...sweet delight! |
The blessing of bread again after far too long of being inconsistent with baking...
- putting to use a bread machine the family gave me for Christmas to make baking regularly easier
2 hours 33 minutes until today's loaf is done... |
And the finished loaf...yum. A 1/2 white, 1/2 whole wheat Italian seasoned loaf... |
The blessing of breaks together making memories and knitting hearts
- having a precious friend spend a few days with us
- a field trip to Legoland {because of an unbelievably HUGE discount making it possible for our family to join other homeschoolers}
This Monarch emerging...wings drying before it begins its journey... |
Great Uncle Tom & Great Aunt Kathe...such a blessing to visit with ~ looking forward to getting together again in the future as the Lord permits |
- football tournaments {although, we probably won't be doing this again unless we all can go...}
Log's team against a team from Washington D.C....it was a tight win, 13 vs. 12! |

The conductor, Mrs. Umbarger, did a great job preparing the Harmony Orchestra for this performance and the students were a blessing to hear ~ how the sweet sounds soothe the soul |
- playing a game with the older boys...just putting all things aside to spend time together
Monopoly can get intense sometimes as bargins are being made...kinda like being on Wall Street...but the fun really is in the time spent together ~ it's been too long since the boys and I played a game. |
- a trip to a National Park during their free admission offer and spending time with friends during lunch while there
The children and I reading about some of the famous explorers in Florida history... |
Pippy? No, just our full of life girl...she's such a bundle of energy and her God given personality surely comes through in all she does! |
A little soccer...a little touch football...a lot of fun {and the less energetic ones enjoyed our picnic on the grounds basking in the warmth on this January day ~ another blessing...Florida weather. |
Our sweet little Liz |
I encourage you to look for the blessings this year and take opportunity to live each day as unto Him...
Blessings in Him ~
I have missed you! I love the wisdom of motherhood and homemaking that you share. Your efforts to encourage are not falling on deaf ears. Thank yoU!
Believe it or not we get encouraged reading about life! I may have only 6 children, but I too help with my husband's business, I have big kid messes and little baby messes, I make my own sorry attempts at homeschool, and despair at lack of attempts keeping my home in order...and after 2 weeks of 8 sick people hanging off of each other, I'm beginning to giggle hysterically at the tub ring and one more broken dish means one less to wash.
No, it was a pleasure reading about someone else s "life" and indulge in moment of excapeizm!
I am so grateful that our family gets to witness this amazing adventurous life of
10 Smiths!
I especially love that pic of
sweet brown-haired girl, Elizabeth.
You totally recovered what could have been quite a pity-party!
Bread. Oh my my.
{{* *}}
i love reading about your family's adventures. wow! your little girl is getting so big! I hope y'all had a wonderful wednesday.
I laugh and tell my husband all the time, we are not the only ones dealing with all of this. I often tell him of how I read a blog and it sounds like our life! I and many others would probably say we are encouraged when we read about real "life" things! I know I am. I also have big kid and little kid messes and when I can read about someone that sounds alot like me and my family, it's reasurring that we are all in the same boat! God Bless!!!
Monica ~
It's nice of you to drop by and sharing a word of encouragement with me. :-) Blessings this week to you and your family!
Jessica ~
Laughter really is good medicine and I find that I would rather laugh histerically at the chain of challenging events than cry most of the time. Sorry to hear your family was sick...illness in large families can really take a toll as it seems to cycle through each person...sometimes to the point that you wonder if there is an end in sight! ;-)
I laughed when I read your comment about "one more broken dish means one less to wash"...funny! Thank the Lord for His mercy and grace to laugh during difficult days.
May He be your strength this week and give you blessings along the way.
My friend Laura ~
I am thankful that He has included the 5 Lynns in our adventures through the years...brings joy to my heart.
I must make the correction...the "turning blonde haired girl"...you know you see those blonde locks, too. ;-) She was just in the shadows of the tree...it's just a matter of lighting. ;-)
Fresh baked bread {like homemade cookies} really can smoothe out the wrinkle in a day...sweet, warm bread...yum!
Because of Him ~
Marli ~
Rejoicing in each day...Sunday - Saturday...that is what He says to do, therefore we "do". ;-) Wednesday was filled with homeschooling & corraling wanders throughout the morning, checking on Mom, bread baking, cookie making, chores, a nap {very sleep deprived these days...and I NEVER nap, but husband came home early}, family worship {how that is a blessing at the close of the evening}, a game with husband, LOTS of nursing and wiping noses...God is good.
Love seeing what God is doing in your life, too. May He continue to be your focus and center...
Blessings ~
Mrs. Freeman ~
Glad you stopped by...I've enjoyed catching up on your blog posts lately. Your kitchen endevours look delicious. What a wonderful gift ~ your Nutra-mill ~ which I am sure you will get lots of use from. We have had a Whisper Mill {not so quiet ;-)} for years now and love being able to grind our own grains...nothing like "fresh" baked breads, muffins & treats! Thanks for posting all your recipes and pictures of each one...a great resource for future baking days.
Blessings in all you put your hands to today ~
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