- Living through loving and caring for the 9 blessings the Lord has given me {husband and eight children}
- Ministering to those in need {putting feet (and backs even) to the Gospel through helping those the Lord has placed in our lives facing trials of various kinds and helping to share their burdens
- Being good stewards of what the Lord has given us {some minor home projects this fall and continuing into winter}
- Educating and training {has required diligence and work to be able to stay on track ~ according to the lessons I planned for the children for this school year over the summer...the training holds greater challenge for me with regards to channeling all that energy of the 4 and 6 year old; additionally, I opened our home to a small group of families and organized a co-op ever other week this semester}
- Managing our home and business {is continual and ever-changing as children grow and the economy continues to be challenged}
- Growing relationships {and walking through a new season with courtship for our eldest son}
Today, I was hopeful to tackle getting our pictures done so I could get on to creating this year's Christmas photo card. So, after church, we headed to a location about 20 minutes away and girded up for what always proves to be somewhat comical and challenging. {Trying to get everyone in position, "happy" and still long enough to get a few good shots with a large family is a proving ground, for sure.} And all BEFORE lunch...hoping to use that as a motivator to do well AND to avoid staining clothes from lunch spills.
We started off well for about 2 1/2 minutes...family shots first. THEN, tearing eyes and rumbling tummies and minor melt-downs. QUICK, snap a few of the kids...stand here, look this way, SMILE, open your eyes. Bless the youngest...she did very well and was quick to obey. My sweet Carolyne. Here is what I narrowed the selection down to and the card designed to be mailed.
May you all have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!
By His Grace ~
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Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. {1 Thes. 5:11}
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.
{Proverbs 25:11}
May He bless you this day and encourage you through His word ~