
25+ Links to Encourage, Equip & Educate You Today

As this month quickly passes by, I thought I’d do a post containing LOTS of links to encourage you as a mom, home educator and wife.  In this post you will find practical ideas to improve you home keeping, encouragement for your Christian walk, motherhood and marriage, links to aide in home educating and LOTS of ideas to do this week to celebrate Jesus and His resurrection.  I pray the days ahead afford you joy, peace and hope!

Because of Him ~

Linked to:  Monday's Musings

Faith & the Gospel

  1. Daily Free 5 Minute Audio Devotional to Better Equip You and Encourage Your Christian Walk
  2. Homeless Kits {We put similar kits together and keep in the van to have ready for when a need is seen…look for a future post with pictures I need to write.}
  3. Grace Gems {Daily devotionals which can be deliver to your email inbox daily…rich in truth, encouraging and challenging alike}
  4. A Life Plan When You’re Overwhelmed {post written by Ann Voskamp with printable to post as a visual reminder}
Home Keeping

  1. Several Recipes for Homemade Cleaning Solutions {I have used and am pleased with the Window Cleaner solution for cleaning our shower doors…I added more ammonia and a bit less alcohol [wintergreen] with good results}
  2. Managers of Their Home {A resource I read and applied years ago…learn how I adapted it to work for our family here, here, here and here.}
Hunger Pleasers

  1. I have an eye on several recipes here to give a try in our family…down home cookin’

  1. Lapbooking {A post I wrote 4 years ago with lots of pictures and links to lapbooking sites}
  2. I Can’t Homeschool Because I’m Not Patient Enough {A post written by a home-educated homeschooler J…shared by Bambi}
  3. A Book List for Older Daughters to Read {compiled & posted by Bambi at In the Nursery of the Nation}
  4.   A site I have used many times over the years containing FREE printables

  1. An Encouraging Post {Next Time Your are Asked a Seemingly Intrusive Question about Your Pregnancy or an Attempt to ‘Pat Your Belly’ is Made…Use it as an Opportunity to Be a Light to the World as It Relates to Pregnancy…Life…shared by Bambi}

  1. Date Night Ideas at HOME {Made with budget in mind and desire to keep relationship cultivated…simple to make project for holding all those ideas, too}

Living Simply and Intentionally

  1. An Encouraging Post about Being Content… “Keeping Your Home When You’d Rather Have a Different One” {shared by Bambi}

 Resurrection Day Activities
easter lapbook
This is the free downloadable lapbook we are doing this week to walk with Him as we remember what He has done for us.

  1. “Sense the Resurrection” ~ Ideas to Do With Your Children to Teach About Jesus and the Resurrection
  2. Love Using These Each Year On Resurrection Day
  3. A Resurrection Morning Tradition We Do as We Remember Jesus and the Resurrection {and if you click over to my blog from there you can read a post containing more ways to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ}
  4. 25+ Christ-Centered Easter Activities
  5. FREE Resurrection Sunday Listening Printable for Non-reader
  6. FREE Resurrection Sunday Listening Printable for Reader
  7. Five Meaningful Activities to do with Children for the Resurrection
  8. FREE Jelly Bean Prayer with Poem, Writing Papers & Patterns
  9. FREE Notebooking Pages
  10. FREE 14-Page Resurrection Scavenger Hunt
  11. 37 FREE Educational Printable Sets {including lapbooks, worksheets, & unit studies}

1 comment:

  1. Jarnette,
    What a neat way to share favorites! I have already spotted 2 I'd like to read in the next day or so!! Thank you so much for sharing at Deep Roots at Home. You will bless others, for sure! And may the Lord bless your dear family...I look forward to getting to know you!


Your comments are a blessing to me and to those visiting...just as the Scripture says,
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. {1 Thes. 5:11}
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.
{Proverbs 25:11}

May He bless you this day and encourage you through His word ~