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What's new this week? Well, adding a newborn to the mix of our home keeps life interesting, constantly looking to maximize the minutes and learning to function on less {sleep that is ;-)}.
In my life this week…just trying to stay on top of things:
- daily lessons for 5 of the children {high-school down to pre-school},
- grading {catching up...seems to be an area of constant need},
- keeping up with 4 children that are 5 and under, and
- an ACCOMPLISHMENT: I finished our newest one's baby scrapbook {praise the Lord, she is only 2 weeks old today! ;-)}
It was fun to spend a few days working on Carolyne's baby scrapbook...it's been a while since I have scrapbooked for our family! |
In our homeschool this week…autumn art through ABeka {I love autumn}, multiplying & dividing fractions...Saxon {a challenge for our 3rd son}, essay writing {"Well done" for our 2nd oldest}, rain provided tadpole catching {the fun and spontaneous part of learning at home} and extra-curricular activities {orchestra and flag football practices}
The impromptu learning opportunity growing and swimming after the children collected them from the rain filled swale earlier this week... |
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share...a little with consistency is better than a lot with sparsity.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
- weekly orchestra practice x 2,
- weekly football practice x 3 {this week},
- church {at least some of us...I usually keep my babies home until around 4-6 weeks old to reduce exposure to GERMS that aren't ours ;-)}, AND
- a new adventure for us...a mother's helper will start this week on Thursday {a dear young lady we know who will be a blessing to have helping once per week with the active 2 & 4 year olds, assisting the elementary level children with staying on schedule/their assignments, helping me with grading everyone's work and the supervision of afternoon playtime...my primary goals for her each time she's here}...FYI ~ it went VERY well AND to add to the blessing, Carolyne even slept for 2 1/2 hours yesterday morning!
My favorite thing this week was…taking time to watch and learn each of my children {just to stop and see how God has created each one uniquely...their different personalities, gifts/talents and interests}.
What’s working/not working for us…right now, Carolyne is NOT following my intended & hopeful schedule...she LOVES attachment parenting which really is NOT conducive for following the "nap schedule"...oh, to work on this. ;-) What is working for us...having a schedule ~ it helps to keep everyone else on track {for the most part} with chores & school.
Whistling to a girl who should have been napping... |
Questions/thoughts I have…thoughts...I really need to make the most of teachable moments AND training opportunities. Otherwise, instead of my children being a joy and blessing to be with all day, everyday it becomes difficult and unenjoyable. ALSO of equal importance is to make sure I AM being an example of all the character traits I aspire them to possess...that is the more challenging portion, isn't it?
Things I’m working on…
- putting all my maternity clothes away {done and sorted through to reduce/share with another expectant mom...too much accumulates over 8 babies ~ not to mention I'm not as tiny as I used to be ;-)} and putting back all my "normal" clothes {done},
- organizing my food/paper goods shelving areas {currently working on} and
- decorating for autumn {need to pull down all our decorations and get the kids involved with this over the weekend}.
I’m reading…Carry on Mr. Bowditch {for LLATL - tan book} and Sweet Journey {a gift from a friend}
I’m cooking…Italian Pie ~ a hearty meat casserole with a healthy addition of spinach ~ a recipe made for us earlier this year by a friend and now has become a recipe added to our collection of good meals!
I’m grateful for…taking time to just be still {not a natural inclination of mine, but one that does promote health and times of reflection}
I’m praying for…a couple young ladies who are newly expecting, a new season of flag football {wisdom for coaches, safety for players, opportunities to grow in godliness for our son}, upcoming union of two young people we know {read their story here}, and for the Lord to work through the lives and circumstances in our family as well as our friends' families...so many things to be prayerful for.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
A horse riding opportunity recently for three of the children as Mark went to look at a job...the owner graciously invited them to ride while they were there...happy children! |
So, that was our week ~ out with the month of September and in with October ~ can you believe it?! The older I get, the faster time seems to slip by...
Blessings ~
After 8 years of loving horses,
there she is~
atop a beautiful brown one!
So happy for Miss Alyssa.
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What a productive week! :) I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who keeps the baby home for 4-6 weeks (I do 4 in summer, 6 in winter). I think even my husband thinks I'm being a worry-wart sometimes, but it makes so much sense to me to isolate them while their immune systems are developing and even just a cold on a newborn is so pitiful!! Hoper you're feeling well and are getting lots of sleep :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
What a beautiful family you have! And a blessing to have 8 of them! Congratulations on the newest!
I'm working on your question/thoughts too - about being that role model of behavior for my kids. Some days are harder than others! ;) I am a work-in-progress!
LOVE your blog design and font!
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