Today is a very special day...our current littlest one's blessed birthday! How quickly time has flown - to think that at this time 2 years ago, I was in the beginning stages of labor, knowing that the time was imminent before we would actually meet and hold this precious little girl...her name was confirmed during pregnancy - Kailynn Faith - Kailynn meaning "pure" and Faith for what is stands for. She has been a vibrant, energized addition to our family. Counting our blessings this day as we celebrate the life the Lord has given her!
Cincinnati Zoo May 2008
Summer fun at the beach July 2009
Oh Happy Birthday, Kailynn! I can't believe she's already 2!
Can't wait to see you all at the beach tomorrow!
♥ :)
I have a second cousin named Kailynn! Only her middle name is Rose... she's about 2 as well!
Happy birthday to your little one!
Looking forward to (re)meeting you tomorrow, Mrs. Smith! :)
We can see vividly through Kailynn's life
what the Lord's watchcare looks like!
What delight she is~
How great His lovingkindness toward her.
In Hawai'i we say:
E Hau'oli la Hanau Kailynn!
{{* *}}
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